hate that feeling when you start to realize you're fading away from certain friends.

i accepted that friends can turn out to be somebody else

being patient is not always the right thing to do. once they take you for granted, they might do it again

sometimes the time spent makes you think that they are a good friend of yours. but you never know the reason why they are keeping in touch with you. they might have a motive that you will never know until the truth comes out ...

dec1710 3:20am :)

so.. my days are always empty . filled with 'habuk' just like my brain HAH , i know it my self .

you see.. i don't know whats wrong with me . my imagination always always always runs while macam tegah proses nak buat box office movie gitu . I've thought of being a director or something like my dad or auntie ena.well somewhere around the showbiz still.HAHA gila r . i cant focus on doing anything lansung.asal ntah.dah tak lama kot.haha :?

well next post will be in pont form,
and pls correct me if im wrong wif myy baddddd .
otak filled with habuk kott.its like berlumut pun ada . hah hah :P

don't worry I'm okay
really feeling the pain now ...
